Sick Leave Mail

How HR should reply to a request for sick leave from employees When a member of your workforce applies for sick leave, you should reply to it as a good HR manager. Use the following examples to guide you on the best way to respond to the mail.

In such a case, sending a sick leave email to your supervisor or employer is important. If you need to miss a day or two at work, send a sick day email to inform your employer as soon as possible. Aside from this, you may have to follow other procedures set by your company with regards to sick leaves. 17 April 2012, To. Charles Homes, Personnel Manager, Gairo Softech. Charles, I am writing this letter to notify to you that I am unable to attend office for next 3 days, that is, from 17 April to 17 April, as I am suffering from severe cold and food poisoning. What to Include in a Sick Day Email. Your sick day email should be straightforward and to the point. Here are the things you should consider including when writing your email or letter to your manager: Reason for absence.

Sick leave mails

Leave Request email:When an employee takes leave for a reason, he should always apply to the employer or his manager. In the letter, he has to specify the reason to take leave and the number of days. If it is sick leave, he has to provide proof of sickness like a prescription from a doctor or reports that support the reason for his sickness.

Tips to Write Request Email for Leave:

These are some basic tips to keep in mind when writing a leave Request.

  1. A leave request Emailshould be brief and it should clearly mention the dates the employee is taking leave for.
  2. It should be humble.
  3. The application of leaves should be attached.
  4. Other documents have to be provided ( e.g a wedding card, prescription ) for proof.

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Leave Request Email Sample with Example

Annual leave is such a leave that is provided by the company annually and it is mostly a leave of long duration. It is granted so that the employee does not face any hassle in terms of an emergency.

Below is an example of a letter for annual leave:

Sample Annual Leave Request Email

Hi Matt,

This is to state that I will not be available for two weeks as I will be on my annual leave starting from 15th April which ends on 30th April 2016.

During my absence, for any kind of escalation, you can connect to Ms. Sophia Mehta or directly email to

For any kind of technical emergency, I will be available on my personal phone. The number is 1400-254-6000.

Weekly reports will be sent from my team timely.

Thank you.

Steve Hamberg

A marriage leave is comparatively a long leave affair so one needs to mention the dates accordingly. The dates should be notified to the manager or employer beforehand to avoid any last time confusion or cancellation. A wedding card attachment is advisable is the case it is needed.

Below is an example of a marriage leave letter.

Sample Marriage Leave Request Email

Hi Anurag,

I would like to ask for leave from the duration of 24th November to 5th December for my wedding. The wedding will be held on the 30th of November in Jaipur so I will need a couple of days to travel to the destination.

In this duration, as discussed, Himanshu will be handling all the front end jobs and Rahul will be taking care of the daily reports. In case my guidance is needed, please reach out on my personal mobile number.

Thank you.

Soma Gupta

Leave Request Email to Manager for One Day

Hi Mr.Rakesh,

I will be asking for tomorrow’s leave as my daughter has a dentist appointment tomorrow morning. Please grant me one day’s leave.

I will join on 21st Feb. Till then, Swati will be taking care of any escalation.

Thank you.

Aditi Sharma

A sick leave request is mostly come out of a sudden and company normally terms a number of days for Sick leave.

Sick Leave Mail

Below is an example of a request letter for sick leave.

Sample Sick Leave Request Email

Hi Frank,

I am very sorry to inform you that I have suffered from a high fever since Friday evening. I have a very high temperature and body ache. I had consulted the doctor during the weekend and as advised, I will be taking some rest for the next few days.

Please grant me three days leave for my recovery. The doctor’s prescription and reports are duly attached.

Thank you.
Noni Sanya

Leave Request Email to Manager Sample

Hello Sir,

I request you to grant weeks leave from 14th May to 20th May, due to my brother’s marriage. I will be leaving for my hometown on 13th May evening.

In my absence, Shudhanshu will be the point of contact for any kind of escalation. I will resume my work from 21st May onwards.

Thank you.

Gaurav Yadav

Sample Request Day Off Email

Hi Ted,

This is to state that I have to leave for my hometown, Trichi to attend my paternal uncle’s funeral. I have been informed today morning about his death and I will have to be there for his last rites. It takes six hours by train to reach Trichy, hence I will be applying two days leave.

I will be joining back to work on 23rd of May, till then for any escalation, it is advised to reach Mr.Johny Grover.

Please grant me these two days leave.

Thank you.


Jacob Francis

Leave Request Email Template in PDF and Word (doc.) Format:





A short sick leave email is an email written by an employee in which he addresses his employer or supervisor and informs about his absence due to any reason related to sickness. This email serves as a formal notification to the employer that the employee cannot attend work and needs time off to recover from the sickness.

It is usually addressed and sent to the person who is in charge of attendance matters in an organization or it can be written to the supervisor/manager of the employee who can then forward it to the concerned person for record purposes. Usually, the companies have policies regarding provision of a certain number of off-days as sick leaves to the employees. If an employee has remaining allowed sick leaves, he can mention that in the email as well.

This sick leave email is written in various circumstances such as:

  • If the employee is sick.
  • If the spouse or family member is sick.
  • If the employee has an appointment with a doctor or health physician.
  • If the employee needs the performance of a medical procedure such as operation, surgery, etc. on him or any family member.

The general format of the email includes details such as:

  • Name of the employee.
  • Name of the employer.
  • Date of the sick leave.
  • The reason for sick leave.
  • Doctor’s note or any proof of appointment or prescription if required.

The email needs to be concise, professional and formal and should serve the purpose of notification to the employer. Although the employee is usually informing the employer through this email, the tone of the email should be requesting not condescending. This email is important as the employee can quickly send it and inform the employer so to keep the employer in the loop as well as show professionalism and consideration. The employer usually prints this email and keeps it in the employee record.

Sample Short Sick Leave Email-Personal Sickness

I am writing this email to inform you that I will not be able to come to work for seven days starting on 12th September 2018. I will rejoin on 19th September 2018.

I am having a severe viral infection which is contagious as well. Therefore, my doctor has advised me to rest for at least seven days. I have seven available sick leaves left.

Once I come back, I will compensate for any work that would have been affected during my absence.

I have completed the sick leave form and attaching it with this email. I am also attaching in my doctor’s note. Feel free to contact me at [contact].

Thank you for your understanding.


Emily Watson.

Sample Short Sick Leave Email-Family Member’s Sickness

Sick Leave Email For One Day

I am writing this email to inform that I will not be able to come to work on 14th September 2018.

My wife got sick last night and has a severe backache to an extent that she even needs support for walking. I have to take her to the hospital which is why I cannot come to the office. I still have five sick leaves left so I am attaching the filled sick leave form with this email as well.

I have requested Ms. Emily Will to take care of all my important tasks of today. Feel free to contact me at [contact.

Thank you for your support.


James Geller.

Sample Short Sick Leave Email-Doctor’s Appointment

This email is being written to formally inform you about my absence on 16th September 2018.

I have been experiencing frequent stomach aches for about a month and visited the general physician but he referred me to a specialist. After a long wait, I have finally gotten an appointment for this mentioned date at 2:00 p.m.

I have three days left in my allowed sick leaves. I am attaching the filled sick leave request form and the proof of doctor’s appointment in this email.

Sick Leave Email Subject Line

I will be grateful if you would approve of my request. I will cover the work once I come back.

Thank you for understanding. Feel free to contact me at [contact].


Bill Watson.

Sample Short Sick Leave Email-Medical Procedure/Surgery

I am writing this email to inform you that I will not be able to attend work for three days starting from 11th August 2018. I will rejoin on 14th August 2018.

I had a severe toothache and went to the dentist who diagnosed that my upper left wisdom tooth needs to be extracted. The dentist has given me an appointment for tooth extraction on 11th August 2018 at 2:00 p.m. He has informed me that I would, at least, need a two-day rest after that.

I have five allowed sick days left and I am attaching in the filled sick leave request form as well as the evidence document of the dentist’s visit. Further, I have requested Mr. Dave Watson to look after my work and be in contact with me if anything needs to be done on urgent basis.

I would be grateful if you approve my request. Thank you in advance for your understanding. If you want to contact me, kindly, do so on [contact].


Sick Leave Mail To Manager

Jennifer Paul.

Sick Leave Email Subject Line

See also:Applications for being sick
See also:Excuse letters for missing work due to sickness
See also:Absent letters to school for being sick
See also:Sick leave letter to class teacher
See also:Excuse letters for being absent in school
See also:Office casual leave applications
See also:Applications for one day off
See also:Leave application letters