Pdflatex .exe The Memory Dump File Could Not Be Found

Hi everyone,

This list would show 6 options – None, Small memory dump(64 KB), Kernel memory dump, Complete memory dump, Automatic memory dump and Active memory dump. If you want to disable memory dump then select none from these options. Otherwise select your required option from the other three. After this click on OK and close the windows. This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (MiKTeX 2.9 64-bit) pdflatex: The memory dump file could not be found. Using Notepad, I then added the following two lines to the top of the IraAppliedStats.md file.title: IraAppliedStats.md output: pdfdocument. Miktex-pdftex.exe: The memory dump file could not be found. Miktex-pdftex.exe: Data: pdflatex.fmt-4. Tried to run update/package manager again and the former says 'no new updates' while the latter hangs 'Not responding' message.

I previously was able to use this package, but now have no success. I am running MikTeX 2.9 and Winedt 7.0
NotPdflatex .exe the memory dump file could not be foundThe first file I have attached is the .sty file I am trying to use. I installed it by adding to the following directory: “C:Local TeX Filestexlatexmisc” and by adding “C:Local Tex Files” as a Root under MiKTeX Options (Admin) and then refreshed the FNDB and updated the formats.
The second file is the .text file I made from the following tutorial: http://jackson13.info/mla13/Documentation.pdf.

2016-11-13 13:35:32,927-0500 FATAL pdflatex - The memory dump file could not be found. 2016-11-13 13:35:32,927-0500 FATAL pdflatex - Info: fileName='pdflatex.fmt' 2016-11-13 13:35:32,927-0500 FATAL pdflatex - Source: LibrariesMiKTeXTeXAndFriendstexmfapp.cpp 2016-11-13 13:35:32,927-0500 FATAL pdflatex - Line: 649 2016-11-13 13:38:31,117-0500. Page 1 of 3 - I am getting BSODs but no Dump Files are created - posted in Internal Hardware: I am getting BSODs but no Dump Files are created. There is no C: Windows MEMORY.DMP and C: Windows.

Finally, this is the error I am receiving:
Command Line: texify.exe --pdf --tex-option=--interaction=errorstopmode --tex-option=--synctex=-1 'C:UsersIan McParlandDocumentsNew folderText.tex'
Startup Folder: C:UsersJohn DoeDocumentsNew folderDump
texify: pdflatex.exe failed for some reason (see log file).

Pdflatex .exe The Memory Dump File Could Not Be Found Without

I tried reinstalling the .sty but still have the same issue? What’s going on?

Pdflatex .exe The Memory Dump File Could Not Be Found Using


Pdflatex .exe The Memory Dump File Could Not Be Found Windows 10

Pdflatex.exe the memory dump file could not be found

Pdflatex .exe The Memory Dump File Could Not Be Found File
