Online Pdf Deskew

Open PDF24 Tools in a web browser such as Chrome and use the tools directly in the web browser. You do not need to install any other software. You can also install PDF24 as an app on your smartphone. To do so, open the PDF24 Tools in Chrome on your smartphone. Free online PDF tools to merge, compress, create, edit and convert PDFs. Without installation. Without registration.

Do you have skewed text images that need realigning in order to make reading them easier? Try as we might, document scanning can at times become a tricky task. Maybe that book you're trying to scan is so thick that it's difficult to get the pages to line up straight in the scanner. Maybe you've been scanning for hours, you're tired and it's become hard to maintain careful precision when lining up pages. Whatever the reasons, consider skewed text images a problem of the past now that you have access to ImBatch!

How to Deskew Scanned Text Task

Did you know? ImBatch has an incredibly useful 'Deskew' feature that can help you fix skewed text images by readjusting them. No more struggling to ignore poorly scanned text images -- now you can fix them. Add deskew into your task builds, and ImBatch will automatically fix any documents that are skewed based on your specifications.


Online Pdf Deskew


  1. Begin by launching ImBatch.
  2. Next, specify which images you plan to work with. You can do this by clicking the Add new images for processing button or by dragging and dropping images into the work space located on the left side of your ImBatch window.
  3. Once your image is loaded into the work space, highlight it by clicking on it.
  4. Next, click the Add Task button to reveal the task menu. From this menu, click Transform followed by Deskew Text. This will add a new Deskew Text task to the task list frame.
  5. Look at your image and try to make your best guess as to what angle/degree it is skewed. Think of 12 o'clock (or straight up & down) as being equal to 0°. By default, ImBatch is set to a range of 30°. Use the Angle Range slider (or the arrows) to increase or decrease the amount of angle you'd like to compensate for.
  6. TIP: Place a check in the box next to Maximum Quality to ensure best results.

  7. When ready, click the Run batch image processing button on the left side of the main toolbar. After ImBatch has worked its magic, you should see results similar to the example provided below.

Free Online Pdf Deskew

It is a good idea to automatically crop images after deskew task. Just add Auto crop batch task in your task list after Deskew and ImBatch will do everything for you!

ImBatch: Advice

If you're new to ImBatch, you may have noticed a pop-up alert suggesting that you add a Save As task to your task list. It's a good idea to get into the habit of always ending your task builds with Save As. This way ImBatch knows to leave your file originals alone and apply changes to an entirely new file. Once you get the hang of it, and know that certain task builds will consistently give you the results you need, using the Save As task becomes less of an issue. Just something to keep in mind!

For more great tips, articles and how to guides, check out the ImBatch How-to's and Tutorials.

One of the most common problems with scanned pages is that they are are skewed by a couple degrees, which can be annoying and unpleasant to the viewer. It can also cause problems with processes such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Many times these processes attempt to manually correct those scans by rotating them backwards (deskewing them), but that's not always successful or even possible (for example with non-scanned documents). So how to solve this problem?
Well, with this new tool you can easily deskew some, or all, the pages of a PDF file, in either an automatic or a manual process.
Let's have a look at an example: This is our original file with skewed pages that we want to rotate.
Notice the script is installed and available under Tools - Add-On Tools.

The original first page of the file (click to enlarge)
So how do we do it? We use the Line commenting tool to draw a line that represents the angle in which we want to rotate the page. So if there's a table on the page, for example, that line should be parallel to its top border:

The skewed page with the line we added to itAfter adding the line we select it (multiple lines on multiple pages can be selected at once in the Comments List panel). We then run the script and in the Properties dialog select to use the 'Selected Annotations' option.
If we want we can also select to remove these lines after the pages are processed.

The script's properties dialog And the result is...

First page after automatic deskewingAs you can see, the result is pretty good: The page is much straighter now.
We can find out by how many degrees (clockwise) it was rotated by opening the JS Console (Ctrl+J):

The automatic rotation angle for page #1.
(Although the value is a fraction, in fact the rotation is in whole degrees only)
Now lets say we want to specify ourselves by how many degrees to rotate the page.
We take page #2 of the same document and run the script once more...

The original page #2 This time in the Properties dialog we select to process the current page only and enter the degrees manually as '-2' (since we want to rotate it counter-clockwise):

And the results look pretty good once again:

We can now process the rest of the pages using the same setting, if we wish.
Important note: This process will NOT affect objects on the page such as form fields, annotations, links, etc. They will all remain in tact.