Boost Excel Add In

Current Release

  1. Boost Excel Add-in Function
  2. Boost Excel Add-in Spreadsheet
  3. Wall Street Prep Boost Excel Add In

This add-in comes with more than 200 functions and tools. This makes working with Excel simple and helps complete tasks in shorter time. It offers many functionalities that make working with data fun. Learning Kutools can be beneficial while undergoing Excel certification training. Some of the main features include View utility. FormulaBoost is an add-in designed to improve the formula reading and writing experience in Microsoft Excel. It is free to download and try for 30 days without an email address. You can supplement Excel 2013 by installing add-ins that give you more features and functions that aren't available in the original program. You can install built-in add-ins or download more from.

1) Power-user – productivity add-in for PowerPoint and Excel. Power-user is one of the most popular add-ins for PowerPoint and Excel. It includes an impressive number of tools enhancing productivity and helping create visually appealing presentations and efficient spreadsheets. 5 Microsoft Excel Add-Ons to Boost Your Productivity. Excel Add-Ons; add-ons, Analysis Toolpak, ASAP utilities, excel shortcut, Excel utilities, productivity; Leave a comment; Microsoft Excel is considered one of the most useful tools in the workplace. Excel gurus use keyboard shortcuts as if they were playing a piano, and can make Excel do.


Version 1.76.0

Boost Excel Add-in Function

April 16th, 2021 21:05 GMT

Updated Libraries: Asio, Atomic, Beast, Bind, Container, Core, DLL, Filesystem, GIL, Intrusive, Interprocess, JSON, LexicalCast, Log, Math, Move, Multiprecision, Nowide, Optional, Outcome, Parameter, PFR, PolyCollection, Predef, PropertyTree, Regex, StackTrace, TypeTraits, Variant2.

PlatformFileSHA256 Hash

Other Downloads

As well as the official releases, members of the community provide other downloads for your convenience. Since these are produced separately, there might be a delay before they're available after a release and they're not be available for all releases.

Excel add-in downloads
  • Prebuilt windows binaries.
  • PDF documentation (only for BoostBook based documentation).

Old Boost Releases

Old versions of boost can be found on the version history page or from the sourceforge download page.


Git Repositories

Boost Excel Add-in Spreadsheet

Boost uses Git to manage all of the data associated with Boost's development, including the source code to Boost, documentation for Boost libraries, and the Boost web site.

Wall Street Prep Boost Excel Add In

Details of the git repositories are on the Boost wiki.